Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Practical Side of Educational Game Development with Jon Aleckson, Web Courseworks

The Practical Side of Educational Game Development with Jon Aleckson, Web Courseworks

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Listen to the full interview with Jon Aleckson:

Jon Aleckson, PhD, CEO of Web Courseworks, author, and educational technologist, joins Excelsior Life: Distance EDU on Demand, to discuss the business side of the educational game industry. Are educational games scalable? How do developers ensure quality control? Why should academics stop pretending to be coders? How close to real life do simulations have to be in order to be effective? Aleckson, a panelist at Excelsior’s upcoming gaming symposium on May 17, focuses on the practical aspects of game development.

Podcast Outline (Time: Topic)

2:57 Digital gaming vs gamification – purists on both sides

5:17 Quality control – focusing on systems, structure

6:32 The cost-benefit analysis

8:49 Recommendations to accelerate gaming in higher education

10:11 Academics are not coders

13:07 Scenario simulations – how close to real life do they need to be?

14:15 Courting Disaster

16:45 Practical, business approach towards game development

“Bringing together not just academics, but people in the private sector who build games, and getting them together in one room.” – John Aleckson, on the importance of symposium’s like Excelsior’s upcoming “Games and the Curriculum: Towards a New Educational Model."

View the original article here


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