Thursday, November 29, 2012

Becker College Celebrates Non-traditional Students, Nov. 5-9

Published on Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

Becker College is celebrating National Non-traditional Students Week, November 6-9. The college’s Center for Accelerated & Professional Studies has planned a number of events that are aimed at its more than 400 adult students and also open to the public. A full list of events, times, and locations is included in a Non-traditional Students Week brochure.

“We are proud to serve and celebrate a growing population of non-traditional students,” says Colleen Bielitz, dean of the Center for Accelerated & Professional Studies. “Every step we take in this new and ever-shifting educational landscape is done with the intention of keeping us focused on being relevant, connected, and engaged in meeting the needs of today’s professionals.”

Two seminars, “Staying Safe,” and “Laughing Yoga,” scheduled for Wednesday, November 7, will give attendees skills they need to face today’s chaotic society with pragmatism, and humor.

Staying Safe: A Basic Guide to Navigating the World – Steven Moysey, Ph.D.,
6:00 – 7:00 p.m., Weller Academic Center, Room 311

In this innovative and slightly irreverent session, Steve Moysey, Ph.D., will review some simple and common sense strategies for keeping you and your family safe in an increasingly chaotic world.  Whether you are out jogging, out for a drive, at the grocery store, or just relaxing at home, Dr. Moysey will outline some practical and applicable methods to avoid being the victim of crimes against person and property.

Dr. Moysey has worked with law enforcement and intelligence agencies in the United Kingdom and the United States on issues surrounding counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and hostage/barricade situations.  He has worked with several law enforcement groups on the development of their hostage negotiation programs and has been published internationally in several major journals. He is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology. In addition, Dr. Moysey has more than 30 years of experience as a martial artist in several different systems and as a tactical firearms trainer. Dr. Moysey is the director of continuing education in the Center for Accelerated & Professional Studies.

Laughing Yoga—Terri Gerhardt
7:00 – 7:30 p.m., Weller Academic Center, Room 316

How would you like to laugh like a child again?  Laughter Yoga is a new, revolutionary mind-body “medicine” that combines simple laughter exercises with gentle Yoga breathing and stretching to enhance overall health and happiness. Benefits from this unique and scientifically proven concept include improved stamina, lowered blood pressure, increased endorphins, and a sense of joy, peace and well-being.

You do not need to tell jokes or even have a good sense of humor to get the benefits from Laughter Yoga. Just come with an open mind and let your inner child enjoy some play and fun. Laughter is contagious and before long your “fake” laughter will turn into the real deal.

Terri Gerhardt is an adjunct professor in The Center for Accelerated & Professional Studies as well as a teacher at Grafton Middle School.

The week’s events culminate on Friday, November 9, with the annual Alpha Sigma Lambda ceremony, in which more than 30 non-traditional students currently enrolled in accelerated programs at Becker College will be inducted in the national honors society for non-traditional students.

The Becker College Center for Accelerated & Professional Studies offers programs designed to provide adult learners with flexible degree and certificate program options. Courses are 5, 7, or 15 weeks in length and are held one evening per week on campus or online.

View the original article here


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