Thursday, November 29, 2012

At Becker College Game Jam, Students Produce 15 New Games in 24 Hours

Published on Monday, October 29th, 2012

The Becker College Department of Design announced the winning teams in the seventh bi-annual 24-Hour Game Jam, held from 5:00 p.m. on October 19 to 5:00 p.m. on October 20. The submissions were judged by a panel of Becker College faculty, advisors, and student representation, basing their ratings on each team’s ability to represent the theme/object they received, the creativity of the game design, the quality of gameplay, overall appearance, and the fun factor.

The top three submissions are:

Most Intensely Strategic: Anthony Botelho ’13 for “Elemental Horror” (theme/object: horror/the elements)Most Amazing Good Time: Daniel Wells ’14, Chris Clegg ’14, Nate Casimiro ’14, Nicole Oliver ’14, Jess Lucas ’14, Joe Keen ’14, Bill Sontag ’14for “Sixteenth Sacrilege of Saturn” (theme/object: juxtaposition/aliens)Most Chaotic Conundrum: Brandon Cimino ’15, Dan Flanagan ’15, Conner Eades ’15, Dillon Skiffington ’15, Jacob Harder ’15, Oliver Awat ’15, Dan Covey ’15 for “Six Barreled Justice” (theme/object: retro/cowboys)

“The record turnout was fantastic and, as usual, the submissions were impressive,” said Professor of Game Development Terrasa Ulm. “Participating in the Game Jam gives students a unique opportunity to gain valuable experience developing games in groups, discover new skills, add new work to their portfolios, tap into their creative expression, and have fun doing it.”

The remaining 24-Hour Game Jam teams and games are:

“Beat ‘Em Up” by Jeff Garuti, Lorion Oshin, Paul Buccos, Scott Tongue, and Brian Bowman  (Most Mighty Mayhem)“Cold” by Dean O’Coin, Gage Conklin, Jen Murphy, and Derrek Marcus (Most Engaging Ending)“For Keeps” by  Joshua Fitzsimmons, Andrew Kerrigan, Mathew Black, and Michael Garcia (Most Daunting Duels)“Hobo Project” by Marc Brown, Ryan McCurdy, and Robert Schultz (Most Righteous Read)“Jubilation Spies” by Matt DiDomenico, Jose, Dustin Thayer, Mayim Gillis, and Jason Larrivey (Most Amusing Adventure)“Never Wonder” by Stephen Wood, Karen Layman, Rebecca Ernest, and Andrew Corner (Most Fantastical Fair)“Nimbus” Adam Roy, Mike Flood, Nick Mudry, and Lauren Fiscus (Most Musical Moments)“Oakwood” by Nathan Berry (Most Spooky Specter)“Petty Crime” by Alex St. Martin, Joshua Corvinus, Liliana Craig, and Matthew McDonald (Most Twisted Two-Player)“Square Wolf” by David Denton, Cian Rice, Dan Cherkassky, Chris Gengler, and Paddy Sutton (Most Suspenseful Situations)“The TurKey” by Alexander Jersey, Curtis Geter, Colin Egan, Andrew Pariseau, and Jason Tripp (Most Rocketing Ride)

All of the games are available to play for free, via

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