Monday, October 22, 2012

21st Annual Chemistry Magic Show

The Adams State University Chemistry Department invites everyone to the 21st annual Chemistry Show, “Solutions for the Future," at 4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 26 in the Richardson Hall Auditorium.

The magic show is a very fun presentation for people of all ages. Continuing a very old tradition, the chemistry students and faculty will engage the audience in a fast-paced series of demonstrations involving changing colors, very high and very low temperatures, bright lights and loud noises, all illustrating the entertaining side of science.

After the show, everyone can to participate in safe and fun hands-on activities on the third floor of Porter Hall rooms 324 and 320. Activities are free of charge. Younger children should be accompanied by supervising adults. Although seating should be plentiful, larger groups are asked to notify Dr. Christy Miller, professor of chemistry, at 719-587-7506.

Cookies and beverages will be available for those who arrive early.

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