Friday, October 19, 2012

Academy Instructor Benefits Cancer Victim

When David Sacks, a 42-year-old Philadelphia-based photographer was diagnosed last October with stage four cancer in his liver, lungs, bones and lymph nodes, a group of his friends decided to organize an art-themed fundraiser to help with medical costs and other needs for David, his wife Angie and their four children. That decision came to fruition over the weekend as about 500 people showed up for an art show to support David, including still-life artist and School of Fine Art instructor at Academy of Art University, Elana Hagler. The Academy instructor donated fifty percent of her proceeds to David’s cause. “It can be hard to go from a place of being self-sufficient to being dependent on other people, but they've made that transition really easy and wonderful, it's an incredible gift of their time and energy that they made this all happen." Sacks said. "Angie and I are very grateful."

View the original article here


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