Monday, October 22, 2012

Nonsense, supernatural, or none at all

According to Dr. George Backen, associate professor of philosophy, there are four ways to answer “What is the meaning of life.” He will provide answers during the Adams State University Free Faculty Lecture, "The Meaning of Life," at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 24, in Porter Hall room 130.

There are generally four ways to answer “What is the meaning of life?” The first is to dismiss the question as nonsense. The second is to look to the supernatural – God – as an answer. The third provides an answer in the absence of God, and the fourth concludes that there is no meaning to life – existence is just a tedious farce empty of value and significance. These approaches will be evaluated, and an answer to life’s meaning will be offered. Audience will then have the opportunity to evaluate the speaker’s conclusions or provide their own answers.

All talks are free and the public is invited. Complimentary light refreshments will be offered. For further information on the series of lectures, contact Dr. Kristi Duran, assistant professor of biology, at 719-587-7767, or

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