Friday, March 22, 2013

Education Partnership Encourages Navy Machinist Mate to Complete Degree

Education Partnership Encourages Navy Machinist Mate to Complete Degree

By Judy Reed, Center for Military Education at Excelsior College--

Juventino Gaytan, Jr. of San Diego, a machinist mate, after separating from the Navy heard news about the education partnership between the Department of California Veterans of Foreign Wars and Excelsior College in January 2012. He was one of the first to contact the college about enrolling under the partnership and joined the VFW the following month.

“The best advice I can offer any Californian in the nuclear Navy who wants to finish their education is to join the VFW, enroll at EC, and finish their education. Joining the VFW allows you the opportunity to help your fellow veteran as well as providing a reduced tuition benefit with Excelsior College,” Gaytan explained.

Gaytan previously attended University of California Santa Cruz for two years and then decide to enter the U.S. Navy in 2002. While in the Navy, he continued his education taking classes working toward a nuclear power degree, and always keeping in mind his goal of obtaining a bachelor’s degree.

Gaytan added, “Earning a bachelor's degree is going to allow me to continue my educational goals of pursuing a post-graduate degree and coupled with my military and current work experience will also provide a well rounded degree of experience, education and service that any employer will certainly benefit.”

Currently, Juventino Gaytan works for Life Cycle Engineering as an office manager and also as an independent tax preparer and notary finds distance learning a benefit. “Without a doubt, online and distance learning were the most convenient method for my degree progression. The 8 week format was especially beneficial when I needed to take a general education course and I felt comfortable with the material and just wanted to get the course completed quickly. The benefit of the 15-week format has been extremely helpful in my current Calculus II course because the material is being presented at a more traditional pace where I can take more time to absorb and process all that I'm learning.”

Juventino Gaytan will take his final course in the spring of 2013 in Integrated Technology Assessment and he plans to participate in the Excelsior College graduation ceremony in July of 2013 in Albany, NY. His parting words to other VFW members considering going to college, “In order to be successful at EC or any college whether it be a brick and mortar college or a virtual classroom, you have to put time and effort into your homework.”

View the original article here


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