Saturday, March 9, 2013

Fielding HOD doctoral faculty member Christine GT Ho, PhD, recognized for her contribution to social justice

Posted by Hilary Edwards on Thu, Mar 07, 2013

HOD doctoral faculty member Steven Schapiro, EdD, stated, “the award had not been given for several years, but since Christine seemed so deserving of it, myself along with several other faculty members nominated her for it and suggested that we reinstitute this award as a way to recognize faculty and give visibility to social justice work.”

Ho was awarded for her meritorious service to the HOD doctoral concentration in Transformative Learning for Social Justice (TLSJ) in acknowledgment of her commitment and outstanding contribution to the TLSJ learning community. Ho was also awarded the faculty nominated Social Justice Award during the HOD Winter Session 2013 in christine with steven resized 600Santa Barbara, CA.  The Social Justice Award was reinstated as a way to distinguish faculty and increase visibility of social justice work in recognition of Ho’s significant contribution and commitment to social justice over the years.

HOD doctoral faculty member and chair of the Senate Commission on Social and Ecological Justice, Placida Gallegos, PhD, stated:

As an anthropologist, Ho continues to be involved in the most critical issues of oppressed people, currently working to change conditions for undocumented students and families across the globe.  Her recent book, Humane Migration: Establishing Legitimacy and Rights for Displaced People, Ho documents the inhumane treatment of migrants and the human, social, and economic costs of current policies and practices.

In the preface of that book, Christine tells of her early years and how she began her career…

“…it was not until I studied anthropology at UCLA that my intuition about what was happening all around me took a more cerebral shape, inspiring my quest for self-understanding and igniting my concern with inequality and social justice.  Although I did not encounter it until much later in my intellectual development, the concept of structural violence has been very important to me.  Armed with newly acquired knowledge of how culture and society worked, I joined the professoriate of the US hoping it would allow me to give public voice to the plight of people, including immigrants, who suffer indignities of all sorts.  In other words, I feel a responsibility to speak out and to document the truth.”

Gallegos declared in her presentation speech awarding Ho:

You have inspired us all and set a very high bar. During winter session this year, faculty and students were discussing the history of Fielding and the “giants” who were part of our founding faculty.  I am pleased to be able to acknowledge Christine as a “gentle giant” who has made us a better institution by her presence.  Among her many contributions, she has been instrumental in the founding of the TLSJ concentration and for creating the KA715 in Structural Inequality and Diversity. 

Even more importantly, Christine exemplifies the essence of the scholar-practitioner and challenges us to take action in the world as a result of our scholarship.  In fact, scholar-activist is a more fitting description of what Christine calls us to become.

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