Friday, March 22, 2013

Fielding doctoral student Carol A. Preston-Brown selected to present at 14th Annual Narrowing the Gulf Conference

Posted by Hilary Edwards on Thu, Mar 14, 2013

Identified as an emerging scholar, Preston-Brown will present a workshop based on her dissertation research titled “Like a Bridge Over Troubled Water: An Intervention for Youth Aging Out of the Foster Care System," in which she states: 

Education outcomes for former foster youth are dismal. Although 70% of youth in foster care want to go to college (Rassen, Cooper, & Mery, 2010), the resources available for their success in California Community colleges are clearly insufficient.  My dissertation research begins with the mandate of the Chancellor of California Community Colleges to create systems of support for former foster youth who transition to community colleges.  My work also addresses the significance of academic K-12 preparation, which should lay the foundation to support quality-of-life-goals, so former foster youth can become contributing members of society.  

The annual Narrowing the Gulf Conference focuses on improving classroom instruction and supporting services for underrepresented students in postsecondary education. Preston-Brown’s research dovetails well with the theme of the conference given that she discusses former foster youth on the community college campus. Her research follows the theories of Maslow, Friere, Chickering, and Erickson as she explores the lack of positive outcomes and support for these students.

To view the full conference schedule, click here.

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