Saturday, March 9, 2013

Excelsior College Launches Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship Program

Excelsior College Launches Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship Program

Albany, New York (March 5, 2013) – Excelsior College today announced a new scholarship program for Phi Theta Kappa members transferring from a college academic partner.

Two scholarships will be awarded annually under the new program. A regional scholarship will be awarded to an enrolling student residing within New York State, and a second to a national recipient residing outside state boundaries.

Each recipient will be awarded $1,000, which may be applied to Excelsior College tuition and fees only. This scholarship is in addition to our preferential partnership pricing.

“This scholarship provides another unique opportunity to our community college transfer students,” said Lisa LaVigna, executive director for Outreach and Access at Excelsior College. “We recognize the outstanding academic achievement of Phi Theta Kappa students, and we want to acknowledge and reward them for their commitment to their education. Phi Theta Kappa is widely known and respected. By partnering with them, we are able to increase educational opportunities for students transferring from our community college partner institutions.”

Established in 1918, the mission of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students.


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