Monday, March 4, 2013

Veteran's Advocate Brockton Hunter to speak in Santa Barbara

Posted by Ari Morguelan on Wed, Oct 31, 2012

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Fielding Graduate University is proud to host Brockton D. Hunter, a nationally recognized expert on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) impacts on combat veterans, as he presents “Echoes of War: The Combat Veteran in the Criminal Justice System” on Thursday, November 15th from 5:00pm-6:30pm at the Santa Barbara Jury Assembly Room in Santa Barbara, 1108 Santa Barbara Street. The public is invited to attend this free presentation, made possible by an Emerging Needs Grant from the Fund for Santa Barbara and the Santa Barbara County Superior Court.

Mr. Hunter is an attorney and former Army Scout who is recognized throughout the United States for his work on behalf of veterans in criminal courts. He drafted Minnesota’s landmark Veterans Sentencing legislation and has consulted for the Obama Presidential Transition Team, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

PTSD is recognized as a common side-effect of war: 20% of the 2.6 million Americans returning home from service in Afghanistan and Iraq are expected to suffer from its effects. Mr. Hunter will discuss the history of PTSD including ties to criminal behavior and lessons to be learned by those involved in the administration of criminal justice.  He will also examine how criminal charges serve as an opportunity to identify and assist troubled veterans, enabling them to return to their communities as assets instead of liabilities.

Veterans Treatment Courts are gaining national recognition as a tool to help identify and treat PTSD in combat veterans.  A local effort, led by the Honorable George Eskin, with support from Fielding Graduate University’s Institute for Social Innovation and other community stakeholders, is working to develop and implement the best approach to supporting Santa Barbara County veterans while protecting public safety.

The Institute for Social Innovation partnered with the Santa Barbara County Superior Court, Santa Barbara Women Lawyers, Santa Barbara County Bar Association, and the Common Ground Santa Barbara Homeless Advocacy Project to sponsor this event.  1.5 hours of MCLE Substance Abuse credit are available to attendees. Please email for information on MCLE credit.

For more details about the event, please contact:
James Kyriaco Jr, MPA, Project Manager, Institute for Social Innovation
Phone: (805) 898-2906                              

 **Please click here for flyer**

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