Thursday, November 29, 2012

VOTE NOV. 6: Voter Information

Published on Friday, November 2nd, 2012

When do I vote? Where do I vote? What do I bring? What’s on my ballot?

Find out all the information you need @

1.    If you registered using your Worcester Becker College on- campus address

Vote @
Elm Park Tower
425 Pleasant Street
Worcester, MA 01609

2.   If you registered using your Leicester Becker College on-campus address

Vote @
Leicester Town Hall
3 Washburn Square
Leicester, MA 01524

3.   If you registered with any other Massachusetts address

Find out where to vote @

4.   If you have questions about voting, the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s website provides valuable information – such as the location of your polling place, the hours polls are open and how to vote by absentee ballot if you are unable to vote in person. The website is:

This site also provides information on the three Massachusetts ballot questions, including official summaries and links to the websites of the campaigns for and against the questions.

5.   For those of you who live outside the Commonwealth, you can obtain elections information for states across the U.S. from the United States Election Assistance Commission at:

View the original article here


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