Monday, January 28, 2013

ENC Welcomes Dr. Ben Cater, Assistant Professor of History

Published: 2013-01-22 Ben Cater

ENC Provost Dr. Timothy Wooster is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Ben Cater as Assistant Professor of History and director of the Boston Semester program.

Dr. Cater, a native of Southern California, graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University, where he studied American history and literature. He received the A.B. Hammond Fellowship for Western American Studies to study at the University of Montana, Missoula, where he wrote a master's thesis that examined Episcopal Bishop Daniel S. Tuttle in post-Civil War Salt Lake City. Cater's research led him to pursue a Ph.D. in American history, as well as a doctoral minor in Latin American Studies, at the University of Utah. His dissertation explored the socioeconomic and religious dimensions of public health and medicine in Progressive Era Salt Lake City. During his research, he published several book reviews and articles in journals like the Utah Historical Quarterly, which awarded him the 2011 Nick Yengich Memorial Editor’s Choice Award for Best Article. In 2010, he received the university's coveted Floyd O'Neill Scholarship in Western American Studies, while from 2007 to 2009 the Simmons Media Fellowship and a host of grants from the Department of History and First Presbyterian Church, Salt Lake City, allowed him to continue his studies. At ENC, Dr. Cater will teach survey courses in American history and government, advanced seminars on a variety of topics, and courses on the history of colonial and modern Latin America.

Dr. Cater will live in Quincy with his wife, Anne, and daughters Vera (age 5) and Eden (age 2).

Related at ENC: Department of History

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